To determine RELATIONSHIP OF Nifty and Sanofi India Ltd.

Author – Srestha Datta

Sanofi India Limited is one of the entities through which Sanofi operates in India. It was incorporated in May 1956 under the name Hoechst Fedco Pharma Private Limited. Over the years, its name was changed to Hoechst Pharmaceuticals Private Limited, Hoechst India Limited, Hoechst Marion Roussel Limited and Aventis Pharma Limited. Today, it employs more than 3,000 employees across India.

Sanofi, one of the world’s leading healthcare companies, and its 100% subsidiary – Hoechst GmbH, are the major shareholders of Sanofi India Limited and together hold 60.4% of its paid-up share capital.

To calculate beta of company and find its significance

Data was collected from the NSE Website which comprises of historic data for the past 1 year. The Friday of each week of the year was taken into consideration. The resultant was calculated and regression was performed on the data.

We know Y= a +bx1
Where b is the beta value.
H0 – Null Hypothesis
H1 – Alternate Hypothesis
If the beta coefficient is significant, the interpretation is that for every 1-unit increase in the predictor variable, the outcome variable will increase by the beta coefficient value.

It was found that R Square is 2.8%, the regression Equation was found to be
Y= 0.2799+ 0.11023X
Here Beta value is 0.11023

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