Logistic Regression of Age, Income and Debt-income ratio

                                           Logistic Regression   Author name- Deepak Chhabra Roll no- 021330424013 Batch- M2 From- ITM BUSINESS SCHOOL, KHARGHAR, NAVI MUMBAI   Introduction- In this analysis, we aim to evaluate the predictive performance of a logistic regression model used to forecast the likelihood of default among individuals based on several independent variables, including age, income, and… Continue reading Logistic Regression of Age, Income and Debt-income ratio

Cluster Analysis of SNITCH Brand

CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF SNITCH BRAND:   Group members: Anubhav Shrivastav Raj Mistry Yugansh Singh Rao Brand: Snitch Clothing Snitch is a contemporary Indian menswear brand known for its trendy and affordable clothing. Founded in 2019, it has quickly gained popularity for its fast-fashion approach, offering a wide range of styles from casual wear to work… Continue reading Cluster Analysis of SNITCH Brand

Cluster Analysis of Activa Scooty

Authors: Tanay Harsh (021330624078) Krish Chauhan (02133024003) Mohit Kumar Sah (02133024340)     Case Processing Summarya,b Cases Valid Missing Total N Percent N Percent N Percent 54 100.0 0 .0 54 100.0 a.  Squared Euclidean Distance used b. Average Linkage (Between Groups)   Introduction In the context of consumer preferences and segmentation, understanding the extent… Continue reading Cluster Analysis of Activa Scooty

Cluster or One way Anova analysis of maruti suzuki car

Group members- DEEPAK, SHUBHAM, MAHAK AGARWALL Batch- M2 From- ITM Business school, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai   Cluster Membership or Anova analysis-   Introduction- Our topic is Maruti Suzuki car in this study, we talk about Maruti Suzuki car features and aim to analyze a dataset that categorizes various cases into distinct clusters based on their… Continue reading Cluster or One way Anova analysis of maruti suzuki car

Factor Analysis of Nish Hair

Market Research Product- NISH HAIR Submitted to :- Professor- J.k Sachdeva Student Details Name Roll.no Field Muskan Jain 21330024590 Marketing  Mahek Chotrani  21330024318 Marketing  Ansh Seth  21330024061 Marketing INDEX Introduction 2 Objective 3 Data Collection 3-5 Data Analysis 5-9 KMO & Bartlett’s 5-9 No. of Factors 10-12 Rotated Components 12-13 Conclusion 14 Introduction Overview of… Continue reading Factor Analysis of Nish Hair

Maruti Suzuki Car

Market Research Assignment   Author – Deepak Chhabra – 021330424013, Shubham Dholakia, Mahak Aggarwal  FORM – ITM BUSNIESS SCHOOL   Introduction- Maruti Suzuki is the largest automobile manufacturer in India, specializing in small cars. In this assignment we talking about Maruti Suzuki car Features and safety for example- air bag, boot space, fuel efficiency etc.… Continue reading Maruti Suzuki Car

Factor Analysis of Activa Scooty

This report presents a factor analysis of key product attributes, highlighting critical components that shape consumer perceptions, including affordability, efficiency, and safety features.