With the advent of the online industry, the food industry is also becoming online these days. But problems are pervasive in nature, so are some issues in this online portal. So, in order to get into depth of this system a survey will be conducted comprising three sub problems and 5 questions for one sub problem focusing on the major issues.
Problem Title:
To determine whether people will prefer online delivery systems.
Sub problems –
A. Delivery
I feel the food does not get delivered on time.
I feel delivery is not available in a few locations.
The delivery executives do not follow the covid protocols.
The executives keep calling me to know my location.
The food is cold and soggy when I receive it.
B. Variable pricing model
C. Packaging
Below mentioned are the Questions to be surveyed
Null Hypothesis – H0
Alternate Hypothesis – H1
Questions statements:
1. The food does not get delivered on time.
H0: The food does not get delivered on time.
H1:The food does get delivered on time.
2. The delivery is not available in a few locations.
H0: The delivery is not available in a few locations.
H1:The delivery isavailable in a few locations.
3. The delivery executives do not follow the covid protocols.
H0: The delivery executives do not follow the covid protocols
H1:The delivery executives do follow the covid protocols
4. The executives keep calling me to know my location.
H0: The executives keep calling me to know my location.
H1:The executives does not keep calling me to know my location.
5. The food is cold and soggy when I receive it.
H0: The food is cold and soggy when I receive it.
H1:The food is not cold and soggy when I receive it.
All questions are based on the Likert scale:
• Strongly Disagree
• Disagree
• Neutral
• Agree
• Strongly Agree
Data Collection:
We floated a Google form which Comprised of the Name of the surveyor and the set of questions that were to be answered.
If Z > 1.96, accept positively
If Z is between 1.96 and -1.96, people are neutral
If Z is less than – 1.96 accept negatively
Question 1:
As seen in the table, the z value is approximately -6.35 which is less than -1.95. Thus, we negatively accept this statement. Therefore, it is concluded that:
The food does get delivered on time.
Question 2:
For the second question, the z value is approximately 6.63which is more than 1.95. Thus, we positively accept this statement. Therefore, it is concluded that:
The delivery is not available in a few locations.
Question 3:
As seen in the table, the z value is approximately -2.678 which is less than -1.95. Thus, we negatively accept this statement. Therefore, it is concluded that:
The delivery executives follow the covid protocols.
Question 4:
The z value is approximately -0.788which is between than -1.95 and 1.95.Thus, we have received a mix of positive and negative responses which make it neutral.
Therefore, it is concluded that:
Sometimes the executives call the customers to know their location.
Question 5:
As seen in the table, the z value is approximately -1.291 which is between than -1.95 and 1.95. Thus, we have received a mix of positive and negative responses which make it neutral. Therefore, it is concluded that:
The food gets cold and soggy sometimes.
With Reference to our survey questions & the z-value that we computed it can be clearly seen that the food gets cold and soggy sometimes and some of the delivery executives do end up calling the customers again and again to know their location. However, important factors such as food getting delivered on time and delivery executives following the covid protocol have received a positive response. Even though the survey shows that people feel that the food does not get delivered at certain locations, it can be concluded that the customers would prefer ordering food online.