Rating given to 4 Shoe Brands

Author: Ratnesh Singh (021330024262)
Introduction: Nike, founded in 1964, is a global leader in sportswear, noted for its revolutionary designs and the “Just Do It” tagline. Puma, founded in 1948, is a German company that specializes in athletic and lifestyle footwear, clothing, and accessories. Adidas, a German multinational, was founded in 1949 and is best recognized for its famous three-stripe logo and cutting-edge clothing. Skechers, founded in 1992, is an American brand known for its comfortable and casual footwear, with a focus on lifestyle items.
Objective: To compare the 4 Shoe Brands.
Data Collection: By surveying my own friends 25, they graded each shoes rating from 1 to 10. After collecting the data, I calculated ANOVA single factor.
Data Analysis: 
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 8.19 3 2.73 0.379650017 0.76788242 2.699392598
Within Groups690.32967.190833333
Total 698.51 99  
From the ANOVA table, P-value is 0.768 which is more than 0.05 accept Null Hypothesis.
Conclusion: All are same.

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