Title: “Exploring Consumer Preferences: A Survey on Shoe Brand”
Author: Anjali Singh
Introduction: This survey aims to analyse consumer preferences regarding popular shoe
brands, specifically Campus, Nike, Adidas, and Puma. Understanding the factors that
influence brand choice can provide valuable insights into market trends and consumer
behavior. By gathering data on participants’ experiences, preferences, and perceptions of
these brands, this research seeks to identify key elements that drive brand loyalty and
purchasing decisions. The findings will contribute to a broader understanding of the
competitive landscape in the footwear industry and help brands tailor their strategies to meet
consumer needs.
Objective: The objective of this survey is to analyse consumer preferences, perceptions, and
influences regarding footwear brands to understand brand loyalty and purchasing behavior.
Data collection: Data collection for this survey was conducted using a random sampling
method, where feedback was gathered from classmates and colleagues about their
experiences and preferences regarding footwear brands. This approach ensures a diverse
range of insights, helping to capture a comprehensive view of consumer attitudes.
Data Analysis:
Source of
Variation SS df MS F
value F crit
Groups 63.9624 3 21.3208 8.009867
05 2.695534
Within Groups 266.1817 100 2.661817
Total 330.1441 103
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in consumer preferences among the
footwear brands being analysed.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference in consumer preferences among
the footwear brands being analysed.
The ANOVA results indicate a significant difference in consumer preferences among the
footwear brands analysed, as evidenced by an F-value of 8.01 and a P-value of 7.75E-05
which is below the 0.05 threshold. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that at
least one brand stands out in consumer preference. These findings highlight the need for
brands to understand the factors driving these differences to effectively target their audiences.