Movie Genre Preference Survey Using ANOVA: Single Factor
Author: Priyesh Patil1*
1 F2 2024-26 – 021330124029, ITM Business School, Kharghar, Maharashtra, India
* Corresponding Author E-mail:
Introduction: Movies from various genres attract different levels of interest among audiences. This report focuses on understanding the preferences of students at ITM Business School by analysing their ratings for four major movie genres i.e. Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, and Comedy. A statistical method, ANOVA: Single Factor, is used to determine if there is a significant difference in the ratings given to these genres.
Objective: To find out if there are significant differences in the preferences (ratings) of ITM students for the movie genres Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, and Comedy.
Data Collection: Students of ITM Business School were surveyed. Each student rated four movie genres i.e. Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, and Comedy, on a scale of 1 to 10, were 1 indicates low preference and 10 indicates high preference. The ratings for each genre were recorded for analysis.
Data Analysis: The ANOVA: Single Factor test was performed to compare the means of the ratings across the four genres.
The hypotheses for the test are:
- Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference in the average ratings of Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, and Comedy movies.
- Alternate Hypothesis (H1) At least one of the genres has a significantly different average rating.
The results of the ANOVA: Single Factor test are as follows:
Anova: Single Factor |
Source of Variation |
SS |
df |
MS |
F |
P-value |
F crit |
Between Groups |
122.11 |
3 |
40.70333 |
8.597782 |
4.11E-05 |
2.699392598 |
Within Groups |
454.48 |
96 |
4.734167 |
Total |
576.59 |
99 |
Since the P-value (0.0000411) is much smaller than the standard significance level of 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: There is at lease one genre that has a significant difference in the ratings given by the students of ITM.