Title: – Chocolate preference survey
Introduction: – In this report,25 individuals were asked to rate 4 different chocolate brands. The aim of this study is to understand audience preferences and gather insights on how these chocolates are perceived in terms of taste, quality, packaging, and overall satisfaction. Each participant provided ratings based on their personal experience with the selected brands.
Author: – NANCY
Objective: – To understand how audience perceive the quality and value of the selected chocolate brands.
Data Collection: –In the survey, 25 people rated four different chocolates on a scale of 1 to 10, based on their personal preferences. Each respondent provided a score for all four chocolates. For example, one person might rate Dairy Milk as 8, KitKat as 9, Munch as 7, and Perk as 6. After collecting the data, the average rating for each chocolate can be calculated to see which one is the most preferred overall. Additionally, to statistically analyze whether there are significant differences in how people rated the four chocolates, we can apply ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). ANOVA will help determine if the differences in ratings between the chocolates are statistically significant or if they could have occurred by chance. If the ANOVA result shows a significant difference, it means people’s preferences vary between the chocolates, and further analysis can reveal which chocolates stand out as being preferred.
Data Analysis: – F=34.65997, P- value =2.88E-15
H0: All are same
H1: Any one of them is different
P-value is less than 0.05, Accept H1, Reject H0
Conclusion: – Any one of them is different.