
Title : Automobile Industry Author : Omkar Ashutosh Rekhi Roll No: 0222051 Literature Review – The future of the Automobile Industry : A look at the trends that will shape the next decade , By McKinsey & Company (2023) The automobile industry is rapidly evolving, and the next decade will bring significant changes. McKinsey &… Continue reading 51_Omkar_Ashutosh_Rekhi_MMS_BRM

Industries In The Age of 3D Printing

Adoption of 3D Printing Technology Aarti Pal Literature Review 1. Healthcare Sector Research shows that additive manufacturing, in particular 3D printing, has three main applications in the healthcare sector with dental prosthetics being the most prolific followed by vascular grafts, and tendon replacement. A wide range of materials were identified, where plastics predominate. Polyethylene was… Continue reading Industries In The Age of 3D Printing

Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in India

Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in India Name- Neha Gujar Literature Review 1. Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in India India entered the era of trade reforms in 1991 and is moving gradually towards an open economy. export and import growth are crucial in providing the impetus for economic growth in developing countries and imports… Continue reading Exports, Imports and Economic Growth in India

Relationship between Nifty 50 and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Equity price.

Title- Relationship between Nifty 50 and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Equity price. Name of Author- Shriya Gupta (021230022212) Introduction- Sun Pharma is the No. 1 and largest pharmaceutical company in India with over 8% market share in the domestic market (AIOCD AWACS for 12 months ending June 2022). The company has been ranked No. 1… Continue reading Relationship between Nifty 50 and Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd Equity price.

To understand the impact of COVID-19

Subtitle: Educational imbalance in the life of students. Authors: Misbah Pathan Nishigandha Gamare Nikita Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic has unapologetically made people around the globe experience their worst nightmares. There has been a series of sectors, groups, and institutions that have been impacted adversely due to the crisis. People had faced various problems starting right… Continue reading To understand the impact of COVID-19

Organic Trade

Topic Name:- Organic Trade Submitted by:- Mirza saniya MBA (Marketing) first year Objective :- Organic farming is an agricultural method that aims to produce food using natural substances and processes INTRODUCTION:- Organic Trade Association (OTA), formerly known as the Organic Foods Production Association of North America (OFPANM), was one of few certifiers for the organic… Continue reading Organic Trade