Author : Aditi Bhoir


Roll No : 06



1.    Sponsorship Programmes & Corruption In Sport: Management Responses To A Growing Threat


Roberts, Samantha et al (2023) says that sponsorship programs have become a significant part of modern sports, providing vital funding for athletes, teams, and sporting events. However, with the increasing amount of money involved in sponsorship deals, corruption has become a growing threat in the sports industry. To combat this, there are several management responses that can be implemented. Sports organizations should provide regular training and education to athletes, officials, and other staff members on the risks and consequences of corruption. This could include training on identifying and reporting corrupt practices, as well as information on the importance of ethical behaviour in sports.


2.      Human Capital Theory and Social Capital Theory on Sports Management


Barros, C.P; et al (2023) says that Human Capital Theory (HCT) and Social Capital Theory (SCT) are two important theoretical frameworks that can be applied to sports management. HCT posits that investing in education and training can improve the skills, knowledge, and productivity of individuals, leading to higher earning potential and greater economic success. In sports management, this theory suggests that investing in the education and training of coaches, athletes, and staff can lead to better performance on the field and greater financial success for the organization. SCT, on the other hand, focuses on the importance of social networks and relationships in achieving individual and organizational goals. In sports management.




3.      A Longitudinal Assessment On The Economic Effects Of Hosting Major Sporting Events


Lin, Huei – Wen et al (2023) says that a longitudinal assessment of the economic effects of hosting major sporting events aims to analyze the long-term economic impact of hosting such events. Several studies have been conducted to determine whether hosting a major sporting event, such as the Olympics or the World Cup, leads to economic growth and development for the host country. The findings of these studies are mixed. Some studies suggest that hosting a major sporting event can lead to short-term economic benefits, such as increased tourism, job creation, and infrastructure development.


4.      There Goes My Hero Again: Sport Scandal Frequency & Social Identity Driven Response


Kelly, Sarah J et al (2023) state that Sport scandals can occur in any sport, and they can have a significant impact on the reputation and popularity of the sport and its players. The frequency of sport scandals has increased over time, and these scandals have led to a variety of responses from fans and other stakeholders in the sport. One important factor that influences the response to sport scandals is social identity. Fans and other stakeholders in the sport may identify strongly with the sport or a particular team, and their response to a scandal may be influenced by their social identity.


5.      Perceived Support and Women’s Intentions to Stay at a Sport Organization.


Spoor, Jennifer et al (2023) state that perceived support is an important factor that influences women’s intentions to stay at a sport organization. Women who perceive higher levels of support from their organization, including support from supervisors, colleagues, and the organization as a whole, are more likely to intend to stay at the organization. The importance of perceived support in women’s intentions to stay at a sport organization highlights the need for sports organizations to prioritize creating a supportive work environment for women. This can include implementing policies and practices that support work-life balance, offering career development opportunities, and promoting diversity and inclusion within the organization.


6.      Branding in eSports: An Empirical Analysis of the Specifics of Public Relations Compared to Traditional Sports.


Nufer, Gerd et al (2023) says that the growth of eSports as a competitive sport has led to increased interest in the branding and public relations strategies used in the industry. An empirical analysis of the specifics of public relations in eSports compared to traditional sports highlights some key differences between the two industries. One major difference is the use of social media and online platforms for branding and public relations in eSports. Unlike traditional sports, where public relations efforts are often focused on traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, eSports organizations and players rely heavily on social media to build their brand and connect with fans.


7.      Time management in elite sports: How do elite athletes manage time under fatigue and stress conditions?


Macquet, Anne‐Claire et al (2023) state that Elite athletes often face intense physical and mental demands, including fatigue and stress. To manage their time effectively under these conditions, they may use several strategies. One common approach is to prioritize rest and recovery by scheduling regular breaks and incorporating adequate sleep into their daily routine. This allows athletes to recharge their physical and mental batteries, reducing the negative effects of fatigue and stress. Another strategy is to use goal-setting and time-management techniques to optimize their training and competition schedules.


8.      Stadium Attendance Demand During The COVID-19 Crisis: Early Empirical Evidence From Belarus


J. James Reade et al (2023) state that the COVID-19 crisis has had a significant impact on the sports industry, including on stadium attendance demand. Early empirical evidence from Belarus suggests that the pandemic has led to a decline in stadium attendance, with fans becoming more hesitant to attend live events. One key factor influencing stadium attendance demand during the pandemic is the perceived risk of contracting COVID-19. Fans who perceive a higher risk of contracting the virus are less likely to attend live events, while those who feel safer may be more willing to attend. The early empirical evidence from Belarus highlights the need for sports organizations to prioritize the health and safety of fans in order to maintain stadium attendance demand during the pandemic.


9.      Managerial Objectives: A Retrospective on Utility Maximization in Pro Team Sports.


Fort, Rodney (2023) says that the managerial objectives of professional team sports organizations have evolved over time, with utility maximization being a key objective in the past. Utility maximization involves maximizing the overall satisfaction of fans, players, and other stakeholders, often through maximizing the team’s on-field success. there are limitations to this approach, as it fails to account for non-financial factors such as social responsibility and community engagement. In recent years, many professional sports organizations have adopted a more balanced approach to managerial objectives, incorporating both financial and non-financial factors into their decision-making processes.


10.      Spillovers in Sports Leagues with Promotion and Relegation.


Helmut Dietl, et al (2023) says that the 2019 FIBA World Cup provided an opportunity to examine how mega sport events can be leveraged to achieve various economic, social, and cultural outcomes. This study highlights several lessons that can be drawn from the event. The importance of effective planning and organization cannot be overstated. The success of the FIBA World Cup was due in part to the strong collaboration between the organizing committee, the government, and various stakeholders. Effective planning ensured that the event was well-managed and executed smoothly. There is a need for strategic investment in infrastructure to support the event.





Sports management is a multifaceted field that involves the management of various aspects of sports organizations, including marketing, finance, operations, and personnel. Effective sports management requires a strong understanding of business principles, as well as an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities that arise in the sports industry. Successful sports managers must possess a variety of skills, including leadership, communication, strategic thinking, and problem-solving. They must be able to balance the needs of multiple stakeholders, including athletes, fans, sponsors, and media outlets. Additionally, they must be able to adapt to changing circumstances, such as evolving technologies, shifting cultural norms, and economic changes. As the sports industry continues to grow and evolve, sports management will become increasingly important.





1.     Roberts, Samantha et al (2023) 7–23, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.


2.     Barros, C.P; et al (2023) BARROS, C. P.; ALVES, F. M. P. Human Capital Theory and Social Capital Theory on Sports Management. International Advances in Economic Research, [s. l.], v. 9, n. 3, p. 218–226, 2003. DOI 10.1007/BF02295445. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.



3.     Lin, Huei – Wen et al (2023) FORT, R. Managerial Objectives: A Retrospective on Utility Maximization in Pro Team Sports. Scottish Journal of Political Economy[s. l.], v. 62, n. 1, p. 75–89, 2015. DOI 10.1111/sjpe.12061. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.


4.     Kelly, Sarah J et al (2023) KELLY, S. J.; WEEKS, C. S.; CHIEN, P. M. There goes my hero again: sport scandal frequency and social identity driven response. Journal of Strategic Marketing[s. l.], v. 26, n. 1, p. 56–70, 2018. DOI 10.1080/0965254X.2017.1359656. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.



5.     Spoor, Jennifer et al (2023) LIN, H.-W.; LU, H.-F. A longitudinal assessment on the economic effects of hosting major sporting events. Applied Economics, [s. l.], v. 50, n. 56, p. 6085–6099, 2018. DOI 10.1080/00036846.2018.1489117. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.


6.     Nufer, Gerd et al (2023) MACQUET, A.; SKALEJ, V. Time management in elite sports: How do elite athletes manage time under fatigue and stress conditions? Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology[s. l.], v. 88, n. 2, p. 341–363, 2015. DOI 10.1111/joop.12105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 maio. 2023.



7.     Macquet, Anne‐Claire et al (2023) NUFER, G.; MARIOT, D. Branding in eSports: An Empirical Analysis of the Specifics of Public Relations Compared to Traditional Sports. IUP Journal of Brand Management[s. l.], v. 19, n. 2, p. 2023.


8.     J. James Reade et al (2023) READE, J. J.; SCHREYER, D.; SINGLETON, C. Stadium attendance demand during the COVID-19 crisis: early empirical evidence from Belarus. Applied Economics Letters[s. l.], v. 28, n. 18, p. 1542–1547, 2021. DOI 10.1080/13504851.2020.1830933. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 maio. 2023.



9.     Fort, Rodney (2023) FORT, R. Managerial Objectives: A Retrospective on Utility Maximization in Pro Team Sports. Scottish Journal of Political Economy[s. l.], v. 62, n. 1, p. 75–89, 2015. DOI 10.1111/sjpe.12061. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 maio. 2023.


10.  Helmut Dietl, et al (2023) DIETL, H. et al. Spillovers in Sports Leagues with Promotion and Relegation. Scottish Journal of Political Economy[s. l.], v. 62, n. 1, p. 59–74, 2015. DOI 10.1111/sjpe.12060. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 maio. 2023.

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