To find the perspective of the public about the effect of social media on people’s lives


To find the perspective of the public about the effect of social media on people’s lives


Jayesh Sharma 80012100958
Nikhil Verma 80012100909
Shikha Dhingra 80012100784
Sanchit Aggarwal 80012100826


Many of us use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, and Instagram to locate and communicate with one another in today’s society. While each has its own set of advantages, it’s vital to realise that social media will never be a substitute for genuine human interaction. In order to trigger the hormones that relieve stress and make you feel happier, healthier, and more optimistic, you must interact with individuals in person. Spending too much time on social media, ironically for a technology supposed to bring people closer together, can instead make you feel more lonely and isolated—and exacerbate mental health issues like anxiety and depression.


To find whether social media is affecting people mentally and physically

Data collections

We framed five Likert scale questions on this problem and surveyed 104 students via google form. The values in the scale were 1) Strongly disagree, 2) Disagree, 3) Neutral, 4) Agree, 5) Strongly Agree. Their responses were collected using a Google form and then entered into an excel file for analysis of standard deviation and other related variables.

Data analysis

1.I want to quit social media
Mean – 3.63
Standard Deviation – 1.15
Standard Error — 0.11
Z – 5.4
As the Z value is above 1.96, we are accepting this question.

2.I feel less confident because of social media
Mean – 4.01
Standard Deviation – 0.94
Standard Error — 0.09
Z – 10.87
As the Z value is above 1.96, we are accepting this question.

3.I feel disconnected from my offline friends due to social media.
Mean – 2.73
Standard Deviation – 1.21
Standard Error — 0.11
Z — (-2.37)
As the Z value is below 1.96, we are rejecting this question.

4.I present myself differently on social media
Mean – 3.09
Standard Deviation – 1.12
Standard Error — 0.11
Z — 0.82
As the Z value, is between 1.96 and –1.96 so people’s opinion on this is neutral.So, we neither accept nor reject the question

5.I believe social media has influenced my behaviour
Mean – 3.16
Standard Deviation – 1.03
Standard Error — 0.10
Z — (-1.55)
As the Z value is below 1.96, we are rejecting this question.


1. People wanted to quit social media
2. People felt less confident due to social media
3. People didn’t feel disconnected from their offline friends due to social media
4. Some people presented themselves as different on social media
5. People’s behaviour and actions wasn’t influenced due to social media

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