

Aalisha Mankar

MMS Roll No.-37

Kohinoor Business School

Literature Review


Benefits of policy support of a healthy eating initiative in schools.

Nathan et al. (2015) says and highlights the benefits of policy support for healthy eating initiatives in schools. The authors argue that such initiatives can have a significant impact on children’s health and wellbeing. The article presents evidence that suggests that policy support can increase the availability of healthy food options, promote healthy eating habits, and reduce the prevalence of obesity and related health problems. The authors conclude that policy support for healthy eating initiatives in schools is an effective way to improve children’s health and wellbeing and should be a priority for policymakers and educators


Mental Health and Protective Factors for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youths Who Trade Sex: A Minnesota Statewide School-Based Study, 2019.

Nic Rider, G. et al. (2022) The study’s findings highlight the unique challenges faced by transgender and gender-diverse youth who engage in sex work and the importance of identifying protective factors that can promote positive mental health outcomes. The study has important implications for healthcare providers and policymakers who work with this population and underscores the need for targeted interventions that address the specific needs of transgender and gender-diverse youth who trade sex.



A Study of Consumer Behaviour Towards Organic Food and the Moderating Effects of Health Consciousness.

Singhal, Neha (2017) It was found that perceived health benefits, product labelling, and trust in organic food certifications are significant factors that influence consumers’ decisions to purchase organic food. Additionally, health consciousness moderates the relationship between these factors and organic food purchasing behaviour. The study’s findings have important implications for businesses and policymakers in the food industry. The authors suggest that businesses should emphasize the perceived health benefits of organic food in their marketing efforts, particularly for consumers with high levels of health consciousness. Policymakers may also be able to develop policies that promote the availability and affordability of organic food, which can encourage consumers to make healthier food choices.


Health promoting schools: integrated practices to develop critical thinking and healthy lifestyles through farming, growing and healthy eating.

Lakin, Liz;Littledyke, Michael (2008) It explores the concept of health promoting schools and how practices such as farming, growing, and healthy eating can be integrated to develop critical thinking and healthy lifestyles among students. Based on the title, the article likely argues that health promoting schools are important for promoting healthy lifestyles and critical thinking skills among students. The article may examine how practices such as farming and growing can be used to teach students about nutrition, healthy eating habits, and sustainability. The article may also explore how these practices can be integrated into the curriculum to develop critical thinking skills and foster a sense of community among students.



Nursing and Public Health Special Issue.

McCauley, Linda A. et al. (2022) the articles focused on the intersection of nursing and public health. The issue may include a range of topics related to nursing and public health, such as healthcare policy, health promotion, disease prevention and management, healthcare disparities, and health education.The articles are likely to be based on rigorous research methodologies and may present new insights and recommendations for nursing practice and public health policy. They may also include literature reviews, case studies, and other research methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.


Prevalence of mental health disorders among health-care providers of COVID-19 positive and suspected cases.

Das, Subhash et al. (2022) it provides important insights into the mental health of healthcare providers working during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study may have examined the prevalence of mental health disorders among healthcare providers who have treated COVID-19 positive and suspected cases, as well as the factors that contribute to the development of these disorders. The findings of the study may be used to inform interventions and policies aimed at supporting the mental health of healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the study is likely to be of interest to healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in the impact of the pandemic on mental health, particularly for those working in healthcare.


Occupational differences in the work–strain relationship: Towards the use of situation-specific models.

Cooper, Cary L.;Sparks, Kate (1999) investigate the relationship between work-related stress and job strain among different occupational groups. The study may have used a variety of research methods, including surveys and interviews, to collect data from workers across different occupations and industries. The study may have also explored how specific job demands, such as workload, time pressures, and interpersonal conflicts, contribute to job strain and how different coping strategies, such as problem-focused or emotion-focused coping, can moderate the work-strain relationship.



Effect of Psychological Wellbeing on Organizational Commitment of Employees.

 Garg, Pooja;Rastogi, Renu (2009) the different dimensions of psychological well-being, such as life satisfaction, positive affect, and self-esteem, are associated with organizational commitment, and how this relationship varies across different occupational groups and organizational contexts. The study may have used a variety of research methods, such as surveys, interviews, and case studies, to collect data from employees across different industries and organizations. The findings of the study may have important implications for employers and managers in developing policies and interventions to promote the psychological well-being and organizational commitment of their employees. Overall, the study may have contributed to our understanding of the factors that shape employees’ attitudes and behaviors towards their work and their organization, and highlighted the importance of promoting employee well-being as a means of enhancing organizational performance and productivity.


The Environmental Health Impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans

Diaz, James H. (2020) the impact of the hurricane on the city’s air and water quality, soil contamination, and the prevalence of environmental hazards, such as mould, asbestos, and lead. The study may have used a variety of research methods, such as environmental monitoring, community surveys, and health assessments, to collect data from residents, public health officials, and environmental experts. The findings of the study may have important implications for policymakers, public health officials, and community leaders in developing effective strategies to mitigate the environmental health impact of natural disasters and other emergencies. The study may have also highlighted the need for greater investment in public health and environmental infrastructure to protect the health and well-being of communities in the aftermath of disasters. Overall, the study may have contributed to our understanding of the complex and long-lasting environmental health effects of natural disasters, and underscored the importance of environmental justice in ensuring that vulnerable communities are not disproportionately impacted by environmental hazards and emergencies.

Financial Health Assessments by People with Disabilities and Their Families during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunities and Obstacles for Financial Planners.

 Kelly 1et al. (2022) the financial challenges faced by people with disabilities and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of financial planners in providing support and assistance. The study may have investigated the financial impact of the pandemic on individuals with disabilities and their families, including changes in income, employment, and access to financial resources. The study may have also examined the financial planning needs of this population, such as managing healthcare costs, disability-related expenses, and long-term financial planning. The findings of the study may have important implications for financial planners and advisors in developing strategies to support individuals with disabilities and their families during and after the pandemic. The study may have also highlighted the need for greater awareness and training among financial professionals in understanding the unique financial needs and challenges of individuals with disabilities. Overall, the study may have contributed to our understanding of the financial impact of the pandemic on individuals with disabilities and their families and underscored the importance of inclusive and accessible financial planning services for all individuals, regardless of ability.



Physical, Emotional, Creative, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, Intellectual, Social, and Spiritual. Everyday activities that might not at first seem related to wellness can help us develop, thrive, succeed, enjoy life, and deal constructively with life challenges.  For example, by seeking out artistic activities and cultural experiences, we’re enhancing our Creative Wellness.  When we learn new transferable skills or take strides in our career, our Occupational Wellness is increasing. Wellness in each dimension looks like in everyday college life.  It’s natural at different times to focus on some dimensions of wellness over others, and balancing the Nine Dimensions in our own lives is an ongoing process.  We hope the resources provided here for each dimension will help you begin, or continue, a purposeful effort to grow in the dimensions that are most meaningful to you.



Nathan et al. (2015) Benefits of policy support of a healthy eating initiative in schools. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Public Health. Feb2015, Vol. 39 Issue 1, p94-95. 2p.

Nic Rider, G. et al. (2022) Mental Health and Protective Factors for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youths Who Trade Sex: A Minnesota Statewide School-Based Study, 2019. American Journal of Public Health. Mar2022, Vol. 112 Issue 3, p499-508. 10p


Singhal, Neha (2017) A Study of Consumer Behavior Towards Organic Food and the Moderating Effects of Health Consciousness. IUP Journal of Marketing Management. Aug2017, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p45-79. 35p.

Lakin, Liz;Littledyke, Michael (2008) Health promoting schools: integrated practices to develop critical thinking and healthy lifestyles through farming, growing and healthy eating. International Journal of Consumer Studies. May2008, Vol. 32 Issue 3, p253-259. 7p.

McCauley, Linda A. et al. (2022) Nursing and Public Health Special Issue. American Journal of Public Health. 2022 Suppl 3, Vol. 112, pS215-S217. 3p.

Das, Subhash et al. (2022) Prevalence of mental health disorders among health-care providers of COVID-19 positive and suspected cases. Industrial Psychiatry Journal. Jan-Jun2022, Vol. 31 Issue 1, p61-67. 7p

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