Understanding if a student’s experience of online classes is positive or not.

Title of the Problem – Understanding if a student’s experience of online classes is positive or not.
Distractions faced during online classes
Technical difficulties faced during online classes
Lack of interaction during online classes
Chosen Problem: Distractions faced during online classes

Name of Researchers

Arunima Gahlot- 80012100949
Prajwal Shetty- 80012100948
Diksha Magoo- 80012100947
Monisha Karthikeyan- 80012100792

All schools had to be closed due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Due to this, schools had to shift away from the physical classroom and had to adapt to online learning. Several students have complained that they find online classes ineffective for a number of reasons. One of the problems could be that the students get distracted during classes. We aim to find out whether this statement is true or not or if they find no change between the two modes of classes.

Objectives: To find out whether a student’s experience of online classes is positive or not.

Data Collection
Five questions on a Likert scale were framed to analyse the problem. We asked 100 postgraduate students to fill out the Survey with their responses. The data was saved in an excel spreadsheet. Because there were more than 30 students in the sample group, the data was analysed using the z value.

Survey Statements with Hypothesis (Null & Alternate) –

1. I sleep during class
H0: People may or may not sleep during class
Ha: People sleep during class
Ha: People do not sleep during class

2. I use my phone/ other device during class
H0: People may or may not use their phone/ other devices during class
Ha: People use phone/ other device during class
Ha: People do not use my phone/ other device during class

3.I get distracted by my family during class
H0: People may or may not get distracted by family during class
Ha: People get distracted by family during class
Ha: People do not get distracted by family during class

4. I do my other work (internship, college committee work etc.)
H0- People may or may not do other work (internship, college committee work etc.)
Ha- People do other work (internship, college committee work etc.)
Ha- People do not do other work (internship, college committee work etc.)

5.I travel or I’m not at home during classes
H0 – People may or may not travel during class
Ha- People travel during class
Ha- People do not travel during class

The questions had to be answered in the form of Multiple choice questions with the options as follows

Strongly Agree ()
Agree ()
Neutral ()
Strongly Disagree ()

Data Analysis

Mean- 0.29, 0.49,1.26,0.71,-0.4
Standard Deviation- 1.17, 1.08, 0.76, 0.92, 1.15
Standard error- 0.117, 0.108, 0.760, 0.924, 0.115
Z Value – 2.49, 4.55, 16.57, 7.68, -3.49


1. For statement 1: z=2.49, since z>1.96, we can say that people are agreeing to statement 1 positively. Since, majority of the responses are not neutral, we reject H0 and we fail to reject Ha.
Therefore, the majority of the people sleep during classes.

2. For Statement 2: z=4.55,since z>1.96,we can say that people are agreeing to statement 2 positively. Since, majority of the responses are not neutral, we reject H0 and we fail to reject Ha.
Therefore, the majority of the people use phone/other devices during class

3. For statement 3 :z=16.57 since z>1.96, we can say that people are agreeing to statement 3 positively. Since, majority of the responses are not neutral, we reject H0 and we fail to reject Ha.
Therefore, the majority of the people get distracted by family during classes

4. For statement 4 :z= 7.68, since z>1.96, we can say that people are agreeing to statement 1 positively. Since, majority of the responses are not neutral, we reject H0 and we fail to reject Ha.
Therefore, the majority of the people do other work during class

5. For Statement 5:z= -3.49 since z<1.96, we can say that people are agreeing to statement 5 negatively.. Since, majority of the responses are not neutral, we reject H0 and we fail to reject Ha.
Therefore, the majority of the people do not travel during class.


Thus, we can conclude that students get distracted during online class due to various factors. As a result, their experience of online classes is not positive because they cannot focus on their lectures.

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